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« Winter On The Coast | Main | A Day At The Ocean »

February 17, 2009


So wonderful!!!!
Thank you for the site Collette!

Hi Silvia!
So sweet of you to drop by and leave a comment. xo Thank You! Spring is almost here....can you feel it?
xo Colette

I stumbled on your site here by accident while googleing gypsy wagons. Love your site. I built a gypsy wagon for my wife and I so we could travel to shows and display and sell her crafts. We also love the gypsy life and freedom it gives by allowing you to travel in a small rig, and just go when the feeling hits you and want to feel the wind in your face.How else could you just pick up and go and sit down by the ocean for the weekend and have your own roof over your head. There is no comparison to a gypsy wagon and a plastic and aluminum RV. NOPE,... just wont have one of those,... give us a gypsy wagon! (I can send you a pic of the wagon if you like or you can go to my wifes 360 site).
Randy and Starrlee

Hi Randy,
Thanks for visiting my blog! And thanks very much for your interesting comment and kind words. I tried to follow your link to Starrlee's site but got an error message. I would love to see pics of your Gypsy wagon! Please send to [email protected]. peaceful the Gypsy life. Thrilled that you and your wife are able to travel that way. Sounds like heaven. Happy trails..

Please check out our web site for old style dutch and belgium gypsy caravans:
The caravans are both for rent here in the french Ardeche and for sale.

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A Thank You

  • I'd like to thank all of you who come to visit my blog. Whether you leave a comment or not, it means very much to me to have you drop by. I appreciate each and every one of you. xo Colette


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Encouraging Thoughts

  • At the center of the universe is a loving heart that continues to beat and that wants the best for every person. Anything we can do to help foster the intellect and spirit and emotional growth of our fellow human beings, that is our job. Those of us who have this particular vision must continue against all odds. Life is for service. Fred Rogers - 1928-2003
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