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June 10, 2009


I love the shot of him flying away, very cool!

Thanks Alicia! That's my favorite too.
I've been reading my "Stoke's Field Guide To Birds" this morning and now I'm not sure wether my bird is a Crow or a Raven. ??? Ah!
Have a nice day, Alicia.
xo Colette

Love that last shot. It's great!

What a good friend that crow has in you. And what a yummy breakfast you provided. That's one lucky crow!

Enjoy your Sunday,

Hi Susan!
Good to see you here. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment. It's funny, the last two days, the blackbirds kept dive-bombing my crow friend and not letting it come to the birdbath. Today I noticed the blackbirds weren't around and the crow ate in peace. See ya over at T-Cozy!
xo Colette

Ok Folks, it's a Crow for certain. The tail shape is the telltale (no pun intended) clue. The wedge shaped tail is the crow. So there we have it. Ta-da!

Happy bird watching!

xo Colette

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  • I'd like to thank all of you who come to visit my blog. Whether you leave a comment or not, it means very much to me to have you drop by. I appreciate each and every one of you. xo Colette


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  • At the center of the universe is a loving heart that continues to beat and that wants the best for every person. Anything we can do to help foster the intellect and spirit and emotional growth of our fellow human beings, that is our job. Those of us who have this particular vision must continue against all odds. Life is for service. Fred Rogers - 1928-2003
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